What we do
Evaluating. Mobilizing. Projecting.
We support you in classifying, structuring, evaluating and successfully implementing the individual topics and questions that inevitably result from corporate and social transformation processes to achieve net zero.
Whether in a single company, along a value chain or within a specific cluster. In a neutral steering function or as an integral part of your strategic and operational teams.
We always act independently and support you in benefiting as best as possible from the opportunities and risks resulting from the challenging transformation process. Our range of services includes all planning and implementation activities required to be successful on this path.
From the initial idea and conception, throughout implementation and coordination, financing and funding options to the independent evaluation and sustainable anchoring of projects and business plans in existing or emerging ecosystems and value chains.
Our Plus+ pays off specifically in projects and business ventures related to our focal topics.
Business areas

Automotive and supplier industry
Metal industry and mechanical engineering
Mining and steel industry
Oil & gas industry, refineries
Energy industry
Chemical industry
Food industry
Pharmaceutical industry
​ Transport and logistics industry
Mobility service providers, fleet operators
Public transport / rail transport
Municipal companies, public utilities
Project developer, project finance ​​
Financial institutions, private equity ​
Clusters & Initiatives ​​
​​ Ministries and authorities
Offices and public administration
Customer segments
Customer segments
Strong together into the future.
We are convinced that our future, net zero economy and society will not be determined by one technology, but by a multitude of technologies, approaches and solutions that have to be holistically thought-out and brought together already today.
The way through this profound transformation is fast-paced, complex and dynamic in its development and poses major challenges for companies and the public sector alike.
We see ourselves as an integrated full-service provider and offer to our clients a customized range of services, tailored to their individual requirements, needs and questions.
In recent years, our founders and employees have helped clients around the globe from a wide variety of sectors in answering central, transformative issues. Their consolidated project experience provides a concrete impression of our common competence, our knowledge and our services, which we can bring into your particular project and business venture.
Expanding. Modernizing. Positioning.
At the beginning of every project and business venture there is an initial idea and often a strong pressure to act. The path to a net zero society or a net zero company is - similar to the digital transformation - characterized by many new ideas, perspectives and approaches as well as ongoing technological developments. A complex construct that dynamically adjusts itself again and again from the many dependencies and uncertainties that such a transformation entails.
Gaining relevant insights, understanding and classifying the subtle distinctions of this profound transformation, for finding the right time for groundbreaking changes and at the same time continuing the strategic growth efforts with existing products and solutions is a mammoth task. A challenge, that our employees accompanied internationally as experts in recent years in a large number of framework-defining projects and undertakings for the private and public sector.
We support our clients in making complex decisions, evaluating planned measures objectively, and preparing the successful implementation.
The practice-oriented approach and integrity of our employees has proven to be a significant value add for our clients, who are predominantly from the automotive and supplier industry, from manufacturing, the energy sector, transport & logistics, the financial sector, as well as from municipal services, state institutions, and authorities.

Business & Growth Strategy ​
Business area strategy
Market entry & expansion strategy
Transformation strategy
Sustainability strategy
Purpose & brand strategy | Long-Term Value Creation
Market potential & business modeling
Transaction Support (M&A)
Acquisition strategy and strategic partnerships
Strategic/ commercial market valuation
Due Diligence (Commercial, Operational, Technical, Environmental)
Value creation strategy
Feasibility studies, Cost-Benefit-Analysis
Strategic communication & participation management
Communication strategy and roadmap
Stakeholder management
Organization of participation formats (expert meetings, working groups, specialist conferences, workshops, webinars)
Position papers, thought leadership
Restructuring & Organization
Roadmap, Vision & Mission
Restructuring strategy
Participation concepts
Site analysis, utilization/ converstion concepts
Organizational planning
Comprehensive project management (PMO)
Innovation & Digitalization
Business model innovation
Conception of Open Innovation Lab, Co-Working, Transformation Office
Innovation and use case management
Conception and evaluation of pilot projects and solutions
Stakeholder participation, focus groups & iterative workshops
Elaborating. Managing. Participating.
The way to the implementation of measures, projects and business ventures is often fraught with obstacles and imponderables. In particular, when innovative solutions and disruptive approaches encounter structures, work processes and ways of thinking that have been built up over decades, conflict potentials become apparent, which must be recognized during planning as important influencing factor for the success of the implementation, and closely managed during the actual implementation phase.
We understand changes and their implementation in their entirety. Change can only be sustainable if it is implemented from the bottom up, i.e. if employees are involved through active participation in its design and implementation phase only then changes are processed, understood, accepted, internalized and disseminated and, in a further step, aligned with the ecosystem.
We enable our clients to successfully shape this change, to mitigate the risks and to finally change themselves.
In recent years, our employees worked on pioneering, transformative projects in the context of the energy and mobility transition for the private and public sectors in Germany, Europe and worldwide, and successfully implemented them for their clients. In a neutral steering function or as an integral part of interdisciplinary planning and implementation teams.
Planning & Conception ​
Implementation-ready concepts for integrated mobility and energy solutions
Build-up and activation of networks, clusters and ecosystems
Comprehensive stakeholder and ecosystem management
Participation management
Professional support of pilot and demonstration projects
Development of supply chain solutions for green hydrogen (especially transport and storage)
Implementation planning for the roll-out and go-to-market of innovative business models and solutions
Expert reports & accompanying research
Independent expert reports for planned and existing undertakings in the field of hydrogen economy, mobility, infrastructure
Feasibility Studies and Profitability Analysis
Management of interdisciplinary research projects
Documentation and evaluation of research results
Moderation of expert groups and participation processes
Integrated implementation support
Implementation Management / Program and Project Management (PMO) including risk and quality management
Operational support for the roll-out of new business models and business activities
Organization of transport and storage solutions for green hydrogen
Communication support and comprehensive stakeholder management
Change management
Professional support in the design, implementation and evaluation of change processes
Organization of iterative workshops, sprints and employee participation measures
Strategic communication support (internal and external)
Enlarging. Multiplying. Prioritizing.
Real end-to-end solutions never end with the launch of a product/ service or the initiation of a specific measure. Our promise of sustainable implementation means taking responsibility for ongoing development beyond the product/ service launch or the activation of measures, and extends over the entire product/ service life cycle or over the successful implementation and anchoring of the corresponding activity.
The path to net zero requires a change in existing structures, processes and behaviors in many ways. Within a single company or within a social space. Acceptance, an early integration of the different perspectives and the needs-based use of resources are the keys to the success of the implementation.
We help our clients to scale business activities, to develop new products and services, and to successfully introduce them to the market.
The interdisciplinary nature of our employees and the distinctive industry and consulting experience also in dealing with corporate and administrative processes offer our clients a considerable value add, especially when it comes to making internal structures more flexible in certain areas and activating additional expertise and manpower at short notice.
Business development
Takeover of individual business activities (e.g. business development, service center, marketing & social media, building up knowledge management, participation platforms)
Coaching and technical training for employees
Management of process chains, regional ecosystems, value chains, innovation labs and coordination offices
Project development
Planning and prototyping of integrated hydrogen, energy and mobility projects
Market and location concepts
Investment and Risk management
Utilization concepts and operator models
Resource planning
Financing options and funding management
Market launch and takeover of operational and administrative processes
Product & Service development
Conception, implementation and operation of sustainable mobility solutions
Prototyping and piloting
Investment and resource planning
Financing options and funding management
Marketing and sales support