Focal Topic
Hydrogen Economy
We are just at the beginning of a profound transformation
The increasing use of green hydrogen as an energy carrier and storage medium to decarbonise the economy will fundamentally change today's economic and industrial structures. New ecosystems and forms of cooperation are emerging. Innovative market control instruments and business models are introduced. Traditional industrial locations will shift and regional structural change will either be countered or further fueled.
The success of the transformation towards a net zero economy and society will be significantly shaped by the development of a global hydrogen economy. Industrial clusters and regional ecosystems play a key role, especially in the initial phase, which, from an international perspective, lead to new economic links and a reorganization of value chains.
The goal: to generate economies of scale in the cross-sectoral demand for green hydrogen as quickly as possible and thus to make hydrogen-based business models competitive.
Market ramp-up with strong governmental funding programs
Over the past few years, governments around the world have published national strategies and roadmaps and launched pioneering demonstration projects to give the emerging hydrogen economy a framework for development. With massive support and funding programs, development funds and economic stimulus programs, the cornerstone was laid for further technological development and economically viable solutions.
The market ramp-up - supported by strong governmental funding programs and economic policy interests - is slowly picking up speed, with many opportunities but also risks and constantly changing framework conditions.
You can find our expertise and point of views within the individual focal topics here.
In order for this market ramp-up to succeed and the solutions developed to become marketable, the state instruments used must be continuously assessed and adjusted. Because only a self-sustaining hydrogen economy can contribute to the success of sustainable net zero ambitions in the medium term.
Particular interests as the greatest obstacle for suceed
The major challenges in building a global, green hydrogen economy are the different levels of technological maturity as well as the sometimes contradicting legal framework conditions along the value chain. Starting with the provision of sufficient and inexpensive renewable energies whose demand will increase disproportionately in the next few years, the coordinated use of efficient technologies for hydrogen production, the availability of market-ready applications for the use of hydrogen in industry, mobility and in the energy and heating sector as well as the development and expansion of infrastructures and solutions for the transport and storage of hydrogen.
The greatest challenge, however, is overcoming particular interests and conventional ways of thinking. Only with a common understanding of the complexity and dependencies in these newly emerging ecosystems, synergies can be created and the costly redesign of our established industrial and economic system towards net zero succeed.
EMP AG - Making hydrogen happen
Since 2015, the founders of EMP AG have played a key role in the design and development of a global hydrogen economy in various roles and functions.
As an expert in strategic and political discussions, in the creation and evaluation of business models and market entry options, in building global networks and partnerships, in the acquisition of financing and subsidies, in the planning and implementation of demonstration projects and international solutions for transport and storage.
We are the Plus+ in your individual strategy and implementation planning.