Corporate culture
Our Culture Book
Making change happen.
Changing something with expertise and passion - that's what drives us.
On the one hand with our clients: By enabling them to master changes on the way to net zero of our society and of the own company, and to benefit from changes as best as possible, to continuously develop themselves and to implement valuable ideas, concepts and business models.
On the other hand, we want to make a contribution to society with our range of advice and services: By translating the transformative issues on the way to net zero into opportunities and thus into actor-related activities and by actively supporting the implementation and further development of efficient and ecological solutions - for a safer, more equitable and more sustainable future.
Realizing these changes is what drives the people in our company. They formulate and shape our corporate culture through their behavior - especially in our day-to-day interaction.
This corporate culture is what makes EMP AG special. And it is the basis for what makes us successful: For example, for satisfied customers, for enjoyment of work, for extraordinary commitment and performance, for open cooperation, for a good future, economic success and excellent services.
Our corporate culture and our values are not based on the zeitgeist. They are a design element of our common future and should continuously develop and be a strong connecting link between all people in our company and our international activities.
"The best way to experience the corporate culture at EMP AG is yourself - as an employee, customer, supplier, partner or external expert. For those who are unable to do this, we have tried to express our understanding of corporate culture and to put our values into words. "
Honestly. Motivated. Dutiful. Mindful. Collectively.
"Successfully advancing common tasks is simply easier in the right working environment. That is why EMP AG has the right options for everyone: From working in one of our offices, on the terrace at home, directly at the customer's site or in the sun on the beach. "
At EMP AG, we are convinced that people work from their own internal motivation. We want to achieve something together, make a difference, celebrate successes, change and develop continuously. We do it all the better, the more we enjoy our work and the more trust people place in us - so that we enjoy doing the things we do. And so that we can meet and exceed the quality and performance expectations of our clients and partners as well as our own requirements.
It helps that we find the appropriate framework with modern working environments - and can work, for example, in one of our offices, on the terrace at home, directly at the customer's site or even in the sun on the beach. Everyone can freely decide where they want to work, taking into account the relevant customer requirements and within the scope of the tasks.
Changing and moving something together - we achieve this above all through cordial, open cooperation that is characterized by willingness to help and trust. We want to be authentic and sincere. That applies when dealing with one another. And that's how we want to be experienced from the outside.
That is why it is particularly important to us to win those people for EMP AG who appreciate our culture and enjoy working in a company with these values. We want diversity in characters, cultures and nationalities - a coexistence of different people. They should be connected through mutual respect, tolerance and appreciation for the company and our corporate philosophy.
The stability of EMP AG and thus the reliability for all employees and their families on a secure, long-term job is the guideline of our entrepreneurial activities.
In addition, it is a special task and responsibility of the company to promote and support employees. The work environment of every employee should be interesting and challenging and offer the opportunity to develop professionally and personally. Training and further education as well as the offer to switch to other, new areas of responsibility are an integral part of our corporate culture.
Honest feedback, appreciative clarity and an open assessment of how an employee is developing are of great importance to us. The salary reflects the individual performance and the individual contribution to the company's success. We also attach great importance to a fair and comprehensible classification in the context of colleagues. We place this fair salary above the individual expectations of individual employees. It is also important for us to support the individual life plan of every single employee. In line with the company's goals, we offer suitable work models for different life situations. The offer goes well beyond part-time jobs, home offices and flexible arrangements during parental leave. Whether parents care, more time for children, sabbaticals or personal development is desired - we find a solution for (almost) everything.
In addition to taking responsibility for our employees, customers, suppliers and partners, we also see it as an important task to assume our social responsibility. We are the driving force and shaping force on the global path to net zero. We support the path to net zero with specialist knowledge and passion. We are convinced that this transformation of the economy and society is the key to a better and more livable future, and that more social justice can be achieved with the right measures.
"Everyone is different and lives differently - and besides their work they have other tasks, goals and wishes. Whether parents care, more time for children, sabbaticals or personal development - we find a solution for (almost) everything."
"EMP AG is an interdisciplinary team. The different experiences, competencies and characters of all employees, working together on an equal footing, create the ambitious and the extraordinary."
With all the appreciation and importance of the individual, we are convinced that the ambitious and the extraordinary can only be achieved when various competencies in a team, in a work group or in a workspace interact and complement each other. Teams are not to be equated with departments in other companies. You can work together on a long-term as well as temporary basis - for projects or specific tasks, for example.
The entire organizational framework of EMP AG is changeable and adaptable. It is situation-related and adapts to changing framework conditions. This also includes, for example, a task-oriented role concept in which fixed titles and positions play a subordinate role.
Successful collaboration and enjoyment of working together can only be achieved by taking responsibility for a role, accepting challenges and pushing them forward together. Independent of departments and hierarchies. If you inspire others, anything is possible. So we meet at eye level from day one.
In the organizational framework, we only want hierarchical structures where they are useful to us. Instead, work in the company is shaped by (joint) tasks, by taking responsibility from individuals and by recognizing the competence of those responsible.
Everyone at EMP AG can and should take on leadership. For a customer problem. For a project. For a specialist topic. For an idea. For something that advances our customers, EMP AG or society - whether large or small. Leadership means taking responsibility, engaging others, arguing about a topic. Don't let up until the best solution is found. One is not appointed to this leadership. You can feel it and take it over.
However, leadership also means not only driving projects, topics and tasks forward, but also creating framework conditions for added value and freedom for innovation for the company's purpose - and keeping both in good balance. Leadership also enables people to create an impact in the right places and to grow beyond their own limits. It should be based on the values of EMP AG, but is in principle situational and therefore changes over time.
"Leadership enables people to create astonishing effects in the right places and to grow beyond their own limits. We want to live this together, in that everyone leads with us to achieve the common goals."
"We want to help our clients to master challenges and changes successfully. Our success is based on this. And the more successful we are, the greater the contribution we can make to society. Therefore, working at EMP AG means something to be able to change."
A holistic focus on the customer is of great importance for the success of EMP AG. Our customers should be at the center of our thoughts and actions. We want to enrich and improve their working life with our services and solutions.
To do this, we want to understand the business, the challenges and requirements of each individual customer and offer the appropriate services. An insatiable curiosity about the individual challenges of our customers drives the continuous further development of these services.
Our goal is to always make it as easy as possible for our customers to exceed their expectations and to increase the competitiveness of our customers by working together. This means that we are an active part of his value chain and we also help him to continuously develop.